Sing Movie coloring pages – Buster Moon the Koala: the director of the singing competition

Sing Movie coloring pages

bekijk Buster Moon de Koala organiseert een zangwedstrijd kleurplaat

'Sing' is a fun animation movie from Illumination, who have also made Despicable Me.

In 'Sing' we meet Buster, an optimistic koala bear. He is the owner of a theatre that unfortunately isn't very popular. To pay off his debts with the bank and to make his theatre more popular, he decides to organise a singing contest.

He reserves 1000 dollar - his last savings - for the winner of the singing contest. But Miss Lizard, Buster's secretary, makes a mistake when making the poster: the poster says the prize money is 100.000 dollar, instead of 1000 dollar. The whole town is in turmoil. Everyone wants to audition to have a chance to win the money.

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